GemOro Superior Instruments has been the world's leading supplier of the highest quality optical products for the gemological field for more than a decade. Naturally, GemOro Hastings Triplet loupes have been the brand of choice for discriminating professionals, retail jewelers, gemologists, appraisers, pawnbrokers and the finest jewelry store chains. These precision 10x, 14x and 20x Hastings triplet loupes are available in 18mm and 21mm diameter lenses. With a reputation for offering excellent magnification, these superior Japanese quality optics feature three bonded, aplanatic and achromatic, color corrected lenses. GemOro Hastings triplet loupes have unmatched optical clarity which set a new standard in precision optics and loupe styling.
Oval Shaped Hastings Triplet
Includes a leather carrying case.
Power: 10x
Diameter: 18mm